Fabric Sofa Beds

When you have looked at sofa beds to purchase have you thought about the covering? There is an assortment of fabrics to choose from that will just fit your apartment. We can say that because most of the fabrics come in variations of black, brown and white so they will look fabulous with any decor that you might already have. There will be no need to change anything, just put the fabric sofa bed in place and you are all set.

The fabrics will vary but all will be of sturdy construction so routine wear and tear will not cause any damage. All the fabric sofa beds are virtually maintenance free. Just a quick wipe now and then will keep them dust free and should you spill something on them, mop it up quickly and it wont show. Fabric sofa beds come in many styles and practically all of them are quite contemporary in appearance. They can have details like decorative stitching or button tufting like a modern chesterfield but on the whole they are not fussy so that it will be easy to fold them down to make a bed. Some you have to fold down the arms but most it is just releasing the back and lowering it to the floor with supports arranged so that the bed is level. Most fold back with a one-two-three and turn into a single bed but some can also be a compact double. One creative one has only half the back folding down so that one can sleep and the other stay up reading. For those on a tight budget fabric sofa beds can help keep your expenses down. First of all they are about the same price or less than buying a bed and a mattress so right away you save on the cost of purchasing a sofa as well. Plus if you use the fabric sofa bed regularly as a bed, it will save you on paying rent on an additional room. You can get a studio apartment instead of a one bedroom or if you have a house, you can get one less bedroom as you dont need to waste a room as only a guest room. You can put a fabric sofa bed in a home office or childrens play space and only turn it into a guest room when needed. Either way you can keep to your budget. We will also help you keep to your budget with our low prices. We buy in bulk from our suppliers and in turn they give us their very best price, which enables us to pass that savings on to you. Everybody wins. Our customer service staff is known for being the best in terms of knowledge and cheerfulness. Contact us today so that one of our representatives can help you choose the fabric sofa bed to meet your expectations and we will deliver it to your home tomorrow.

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Product image for Limelight Solar Sofa Bed

Limelight Solar Sofa Bed

Delivered | Next Day Express

From Only £409.00

RRP: £519.00

Save: £110.00

Product image for Kyoto Mito Futon

Kyoto Mito Futon

Delivered | 3 - 5 Day Express

From Only £169.00

RRP: £459.00

Save: £290.00

Product image for Kyoto Nashville Futon

Kyoto Nashville Futon

Delivered | 3 - 5 Day Express

From Only £319.00

RRP: £699.00

Save: £380.00

Product image for Serene Estella Sofa Bed

Serene Estella Sofa Bed

Delivered | Next Day Express

From Only £329.00

RRP: £679.00

Save: £350.00

Product image for Kyoto New York Futon

Kyoto New York Futon

Delivered | 3 - 5 Day Express

From Only £309.00

RRP: £679.00

Save: £370.00

Product image for Serene Faith Sofa Bed

Serene Faith Sofa Bed

Delivered | Next Day Express

From Only £189.00

RRP: £289.00

Save: £100.00

Product image for Limelight Triton Sofa Bed

Limelight Triton Sofa Bed

Delivered | Next Day Express

From Only £289.00

RRP: £399.00

Save: £110.00

Product image for Kyoto Atlanta Futon

Kyoto Atlanta Futon

Delivered | 2 to 4 Weeks

From Only £309.00

RRP: £689.00

Save: £380.00

Product image for Kyoto Jasmin Futon

Kyoto Jasmin Futon

Delivered | 2 to 4 Weeks

From Only £379.00

RRP: £849.00

Save: £470.00

Product image for Kyoto Bonsai Futon

Kyoto Bonsai Futon

Delivered | 2 to 4 Weeks

From Only £249.00

RRP: £619.00

Save: £370.00

Product image for Kyoto Roma Futon

Kyoto Roma Futon

Delivered | 2 to 4 Weeks

From Only £319.00

RRP: £839.00

Save: £520.00

Product image for Kyoto Napoli Sofa Bed

Kyoto Napoli Sofa Bed

Delivered | 2 to 4 Weeks

From Only £419.00

RRP: £1019.00

Save: £600.00

Product image for Kyoto Zig Zag Sofa Bed

Kyoto Zig Zag Sofa Bed

Delivered | 2 to 4 Weeks

From Only £419.00

RRP: £1079.00

Save: £660.00

Product image for Kyoto Cube Sofa Bed

Kyoto Cube Sofa Bed

Delivered | 2 to 4 Weeks

From Only £419.00

RRP: £919.00

Save: £500.00

Product image for Kyoto Chicago Sofa Bed

Kyoto Chicago Sofa Bed

Delivered | 2 to 4 Weeks

From Only £469.00

RRP: £1039.00

Save: £570.00